Wednesday, April 1, 2009
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'You ruined my Morning' (this after getting in trouble...lol) 10/28/12 'Whoa! Those are some pretty big oranges, they are like fe fi fo oranges!" (Lacey's reaction to see normal size oranges instead of the clemintine oranges we usually buy) (3/8/12) "Mom, yesterday I'm going to be good today...in the afternoon." (3/7/12) Daddy I got my name on the board today, and my teachers EVEN knowed how to spell my name! (2/25/12)
"You are a mean Mommy, you won't even let your girl have some candy before dinner!" 2/24/12
Lacey: Mommy I have a headache Me: You do? Where does it hurt? Lacey: In my belly 2/22/12Lacey: Mommy you need to stop talking because it makes my leg hurt. See? It hurts righ here (pointing to her ankle) Me: Ok I'm sorry Lacey: Thank you Mommy 2/16/12
On our way home from daycare last night Lacey was taking a long time trying to tell me something so I said "Spit it out Lacey" Lacey: I not have 'nuffing in my mouf' Me: That means spit out your words Lacey: If I spit them out I won't have nuffing to say! Me: Never mind. (2/2/12) "Mommy when I grow up I'm gonna be a mom. And you're gonna be a Kylie" (1/24/12) Lacey: Mommy I have a headache! Me: You do? Where does it hurt? Lacey: In my tounge you can't see it (1/25/12)Lacey: Mommy I need some pixie dust Me: You need PIXIE dust, why? Lacey: So I can fly! Lacey: Mommy when is Peter Pan coming to our house? Me: Well you have to go to sleep first. Lacey: Then he will come?! Me: Maybe so..
Lacey: Mommy I didn't see Peter Pan last night Me: You didn't?! Lacey: No Me: Well maybe tonight after you fo to bed Lacey: Yeah and maybe tonight, but I haffa sleep good! 1/11/12
"poh wee the piggies needa new diaper on, right mommy?" (1/6/12)When Greg came home from work one day: "Daddy you fall out of the airplane?" Yes, I guess I did. "Daddy you haffa hold on to da airplane!" 8/14/11
"When I grow an be a Dad I'm gonna cook" 6/20/11 "Today is my Daddy's brday, he is 30-10 today" 6/20/11
"Just forget it" when I couldn't understand what she was telling me after the third time. 3/17/11
"I gib up" after trying to get her piece of candy open all by herself. 3/17/11
"Hey Mom, check this out!" before jumping off the couch. 3/18/11
"Actually 2" when asked how old she is. 3/20/11
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