Sunday, February 10, 2013

Fun at the Museum!

I deceided the girls and I needed to get out of the house and do something fun
Katie was the first one to 'drive' the jeep!  She proudly put on her exploring hat and she was off!

Can't go exploring if you don't wear your vest too!  She really thought it was cool that she could climb up above the 'cave' and NOT get in trouble for climbing.

Next driver, Lacey!  And camping she went...have you ever seen a cuter driver?!

Katie wore her exploring vest the entire time we were at the museum.  Here she is checking out the dishes.

Kylie loved being able to be a fashion designer for this mannequin.

Back from her camping trip!

Off to explore the caves

The don't look very nervous in the cave. ;)

Katie loved the giant doll house.  She stayed there for a LONG time playing.

Look,  There are etching in the cave!

Be cool, we are off to another adventure


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