Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter Egg Hunt 2011

It was just the girls and I this Easter.  Daddy had to work, so I tried to make the day as fun as I could.  The girls did 2 Easter Egg hunts!  One in our backyard, the video follows and the other one following Mass at our Church! 

Pictures of their loot!
Kylie right before they opened the gates for the Church easter egg hunt, she's excited!
Lacey's ready, except she is beyond tired...but she didn't let that minor detail slow her down!
Found one!
Kylie's getting to be a pro at Easter egg hunts, she knew exactly where to go!

The girls had so much fun, they love Easter egg hunts.  So much so that after the backyard egg hunt Kylie took all of her eggs and hid them around the house so they could have another one.  The only problem was that Lacey didn't understand that the eggs she was finding in the house belonged to Kylie and that she had to give them back.  This resulted in a 'slight' dispute!  :-)



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